Your Investment
Tuition is based upon an average of 3 classes per month throughout the school year
You are not charged extra for months with 4 or 5 classes. Likewise, tuition is not prorated for any month that have holidays. Tuition remains the same each month.
Tuition is due on the first of each month and will be charged to a credit card that is on file. Payments not made on or before the 3rd of the month, will incur a $50.00 per student late charge. We accept cash or check before the 1st of each month..
We offer one (1) make-up class per month per student. The balance on your account must be current.
A 30 day written drop notice is required from everyone…no exceptions. An oral drop notice is not acceptable. Drop notice forms are available in the office or may be completed electronically on our website